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Breaking News: Trump Nominate Brett Kavanaugh for Supreem Court

President Trump nominated Brett Michael Kavanaugh as the Supreme Court Nominee. He Judged that Kavanaugh is well deserved for the position. He Further added that he is the most powerful and best nominee for the generation.

Speaking About Brett Michael Kavanaugh, Why He Nominated him as his Nominee, Adding Justification to his statment. Trump reminded that Like Chief Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Clarence Thomas he served for the second-most powerful court in the nation. Trum Also Reminded that as Justice Anthony Kennedy, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor and Neil Gorsuch. Kavanaugh Brings more decades of his experience as a federal Appeals court judge. Trump also reminded of Justice Elena Kagan, Kavanaugh Also Worked at the side of two-term President.

The Bush Former Attorney general Alberto Gonzales Said that he had interviewed many candidates for the federal bench, including Roberts and Alito."There is no question in my mind regarding Brett for the Supreme Court. He has a track record that demonstrates his talents and his judicial philosophy."

Trump Said that "There is no one in America more qualified for this position". He introduced Kavanaugh Family in the East Room at the white house in front of Republicans and Conservative Supporters.



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